GPS Mobil Super Spring untuk Keamanan Mobil Anda

Keamanan mobil saat sedang diparkir memang terkadang mengkhawatirkan terlebih lagi dengan semakin tingginya tingkat kriminalitas saat ini. meningkatkan keamanan mobil Anda memang harus dilakukan agar Anda terhindar dari kejahatan kriminal yang merugikan. Salah satu cara meningkatkan keamanan mobil agar terbebas dari pencurian adalah dengan menggunakan GPS mobil Super Spring. Gps mobil berguna untuk melacak keberadaan mobil dimanapun mobil tersebut berada dalam waktu realtime sehingga benar-benar akurat. Saat terjadi pencurian, hal ini pun akan sangat membantu karena Anda bisa mengetahui dimana letak mobil dan kemana mobil pergi melalui GPS mobil tersebut.

Penggunaan waktu realtime yang ada pada GPS mobil Super Spring membuat pelacakan mobil bersifat sangat akurat. Kapanpun Anda mengecek keberadaan mobil maka disitulah mobil tersebut berada. Dengan melacak keberadaan mobil maka akan lebuh mudah untuk menemukan mobil bukan hanya pada saat mobil dicuri namun juga pada saat Anda kesulitan menemukan mobil di tempat parkir.

Penggunaan waktu realtime memang kelebihan dari GPS mobil Super Spring. Karena waktu yang ditunjukkan merupakan waktu realtime, maka pencarian mobil pun akan sangat lebih mudah. Sistem yang digunakan pda alat pelacak tersebut bisa terbaca dengan sangat cepat sehingga menunjukkan hasil yang akurat. Selain itu, data dan informasi yang ada pada GPS pun bisa diakses sampai 90 hari ke depan. Pelacakan kendaraan bisa dilakukan dengan menggunakan smartphone Anda sehingga akan lebih mudah untuk dikontrol. Anda bisa membawa smartphone Anda kemanapun yang berarti Anda bisa mengecek keberadaan mobil Anda dimanapun dan kapanpun. Hal ini tentunya juga sangat menguntungkan untuk para pemilik bisnis usaha rental dimana mobil yang harus dipantau dan dicek tidak hanya satu namun banyak.

Meskipun pemasangan alat GPS mobil ini terbilang cukup lama dan rumit yaitu berkisar satu hingga dua jam dilakukan secara professional, namun dalam penggunaannya produk ini cukup memuaskan. Bahkan setelah pemasangan selesai pun GPS belum bisa langsung digunakan karena masih harus disinkronkan terlebih dahulu agar alat pemantau bisa digunakan secara efektif.

Setelah alat tersebut disinkronkan, Anda bisa langsung mulai memantau kendaraan Anda dengan log in terlebih dahulu pada website resmi Super Spring. Setelah log in selesai dilakukan dan dilanjutkan dengan pairing, maka Anda bisa langsung menggunakan alat pelacak untuk memantau keberadaan kendaraan beserta informasi yang menyangkut kendaraan Anda secara realtime dan akurat. Akan tetapi, karena alat pelacak ini menggunakan bantuan server untuk meminta lokasi mengenai keberadaan kendaraan Anda, maka pada daerah-daerah tertentu dimana jaringan GSM atau GPRS tidak ditemukan, lokasi kendaraan mungkin tidak bisa dilacak. Kalaupun bisa dilacak kemungkinan besar waktunya bukan realtime karena terjadi keterlambatan pengiriman informasi dari server. Namun Anda tidak perlu khawatir mengenai kendaraan Anda. meskipun tidak bisa diketahui melalui website dan akun Anda, Anda masih tetap bisa mendapatkan akses mengenai keberadaan kendaraan Anda melalui database sistem karena database ini akan menyimpan informasi kendaraan secara otomatis jika memang tidak ditemukan sinyal untuk menghubungi server di lokasi tertentu.

Kemudahan memantau kendaraan Anda dengan menggunakan smartphone memang salah satu kelebihan dari GPS mobil Super Spring. Dengan menggunakan smartphone maka Anda akan lebih mudah mengetahui dimana keberadaan kendaraan Anda karena smartphone akan selalu berada di genggaman Anda saat Anda bepergian bahkan saat dirumah.

Review Text

Communicative purpose Review Text
  • Text communicative purpose of the Review is to critique the event or artwork to your reader or listener the public, such as movies, shows, books, etc.

Generic Structure Review Text
Each type of English text (genre) has its Generic Structure which vary according to the communicative purpose to be presented to the reader. And for Generic Structure of Review Text, there are 4 sentence structure, namely:
1. Introduction
Like any type of English text (genre) to another, on the first paragraph of a review text contains an overview of the work or material will be reviewed. An overview of the work or the object could be a name, usability, and so forth.

2. Evaluation
Generic Structure In the second, Evaluation, providing a detailed description of the work or material that was reviewed, could be parts of the work or object, uniqueness and quality. But do not give much description of the work or the object, as we review the text like "teach" the prospective buyers and it's not good. Evaluation of the work or in the object as far as needed by the buyer is the most correct. The term is used in the second paragraph of its structure is not far from the word "good" or "no" works or objects. In the evaluation section, usually consisting of more than one evaluation.

3. Interpretation
In the third part, the author gives his own views on the objects. Surely phase is done after adequate evaluation of the work or goods. Often to support and strengthen the work of the author or objects, the author compares the work or the work object or a similar object. In this phase the authors wrote in the paper or what the object is worth or what the object or in the work is less valuable.

4. Summary
In this section, the author gives the reader the conclusion of the works or objects that have been reviewed. After giving an explanation on the evaluation and author own views on interpretation, the authors came to comment whether it works or not to prospective buyers.

Language Features
In Review Text, there are several characteristics of language such as the following:
  • Using the present tense.
  • Many use the adjective (the word carpenter) like, bad, good, valuable, etc.
  • Frequent use of long clause (clause length) and complex.

Discussion Text

Discussion is a text which present a problematic discourse. This problem will be discussed from different viewpoints. Discussion is commonly found in philosophical, historic, and social text.

1. Generic Structure Discussion Text
Simply put, the general arrangement of the discussion text is divided into 3 sections.
1) Issue (issue)
2) Arguments (Opinion)
  • Points Supporting (Opinion in Support)
  • Contrasting Points (The Contrary Opinion)
3) Conclusion / Recommendation (Conclusion / Suggestion)

Issue (Major Problems)
This issue contains the issue will be further discussed. If you want to write a text of this discussion, it helps to choose a topic of controversial issues so that you'll have a lot of arguments, good arguments in favor of or argument to the contrary. For example, the subject matter "Students Should Not Take mobile phones so as not to interfere with teaching and learning in schools".

Supporting Points (Opinion in Support)
At the points supporting this, we are required to elaborate further on the description of the problem we are discussing. If the Issue contains problems such as in the example above issue, then you have to explain in more detail about HP that could interfere with teaching and learning activities in schools.

Contrasting Points (The Contrary Opinion)
On the contrasting these points, it is good we give a different opinion with supporting points. If HP is considered a negative effect on students, then this section we shall give an opinion on the benefits of HP for students. For example, by giving the argument that HP could facilitate students in finding information on the Internet about the subjects being discussed.

Recommendation / Conclusion (Suggestions / Conclusion)
In this section, we try to take the middle ground on the issue being discussed so that the conclusions we draw no longer bring new problems. For example, in the HP above, we can give suggestions / conclusions by writing schools allow students to bring HP's origin is not activated when the teaching and learning taking place.

2. Language Feature Discussion Text
Introducing category or generic participant
  • Using thinking verb; feel, hope, believe, etc.
  • Using additive, contrastive, and causal connection; similarly, on the hand, however, etc.
  • Using modalities; must, should, could, may, etc.
  • Using adverbial of manner; deliberately, hopefully, etc.

Explanation Text

Explanation text (text explanation) is a text that contains the processes associated with natural phenomena, social, science, culture and more. An Explanation text is usually derived from the corresponding author questions 'why' and 'how' of a phenomenon.

Communicative purpose Explanation Text
  • Explanation communicative purpose of the text is to explain the processes that occur in the formation or activity associated with natural phenomena, social, scientific, cultural, and others aimed at explaining.

Generic structure Explanation Text
There are three sections in the Text Explanation sentence structure, namely:
1. A general statement
In a general statement contains a general explanation of the phenomenon that will be discussed, this phenomenon could be the introduction or explanation.

2. A squenced of explanation
A squenced of explanation contains an explanation of why the phenomenon may occur or be created. A squenced of explanation in the form of answers to the question 'why' and 'how' the author when making an Explanation text. In squenced of explanation may consist of more than one paragraph.

3. Closing
Actually closing was not listed in the generic structure of the Explanation text, but most people assume that the last paragraph of the Explanation text is closing, but it is part of squenced of explanation that contains the final steps described in the section squenced of explanation.

Language features Explanation Text
In a text explanation, there are linguistic traits as below, namely:
  • Using simple present tense
  • Using abstract noun (nouns that appear)
  • Passive voice
  • Using Action verbs

Hortatory Exposition

To persuade the reader or listener that something should or should not be the case

Text Organization
• Thesis

• Arguments

• Recommendations

Language Features
• The use of emotive words
(e.g.: alarmed, worried)

• The use of words that qualify statements
(e.g.: usual, probably)

• The use of words that link arguments
(e.g.: firstly, however, on the other hand, therefore)

• The use of present tense

• The use of compound and complex sentences

• The use of modal and adverbs
(e.g.: can, may, certainly, get, stop)

• The use of subjective opinions using pronouns I and we

Spoof Text

To tell an event with a humorous twist

Text Organization
• Orientation
(who were involved in the story, when, and where)

• Events
(tell what happened in chronological order)

• Twist
(provide the funniest part of the story)

Language Features
• The use of action verbs
(e.g.: walked, laughed, ran away)

• The use of connectives
(e.g.: first, then, finally)

• The use of adverbial phrases of time and place
(e.g.: in the garden, two days ago)

• The use of the simple past tense
(e.g.: He walked away from the village)

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Semoga bagi kita semua yang akan menghadapi Ujian Nasional tahun ini diberikan kemudahan dan kelancaran dalam menjawab soal. Lulus dengan nilai sempurna. Amin. Semoga bermanfaat :)

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